Monday, November 23, 2009

It's almost Thanksgiving break!!

So last week and this week I'm definitely feeling the pressure of mid-terms. :( Thankfully we only have two more days of this ridiculousness until we're on break. I definitely feel like junior year is significantly harder than freshman and sophomore year. It seems like everyone I talk to is getting a little burnt out. I think a break is much needed for everyone on this campus.

Needless to say that with all of this work I've been pretty unpreductive with my job search (again). I know, it's bad. I need to work on it. I just physically don't seem to have enough hours in the day to work on that and get all of my assignments and studying done. At this point I'm lucky to get sleep at all.

Over break I plan on sleeping (a lot), working on my job search (finally!), visiting with my family and friends from high school (some of whom I haven't seen since the summer!), and eating lots of turkey (yum.).

So, considering a lot of you are probably in the same boat I am - stick it out. A lot of us are just 24 hours away from break and those who aren't are close to that. When you think about it that way it seems so much more managable, right? ;)

Enjoy your break and have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! :)

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